At Rescue Center Costa Rica, I led website development, maintenance, and managed a six-member social media team. My role also included graphic design and implementing a database application to enhance their operational efficiency.

Rescue Center Costa Rica


Developer & Designer



For Rescue Center Costa Rica, I spearheaded the development and ongoing maintenance of their website, ensuring it remained user-centric and up-to-date. As the Social Media Manager, I led a team of six, orchestrating campaigns that amplified their reach and engagement. My contributions also encompassed graphic design, creating visuals that resonated with their mission. Additionally, I designed and implemented a database application to streamline the center's operations and logistics.

For Rescue Center Costa Rica, the endeavor was a harmonious blend of technology and creativity.

The website's development was rooted in a deep understanding of the center's mission, leading to a platform that was both informative and engaging.

As the helm of the social media team,

I guided a group of six, ensuring that our campaigns effectively communicated the center's impactful work and stories.

The graphic design elements were tailored to echo the center's ethos, resulting in visuals that were both compelling and representative of their cause. One of the pivotal aspects of the project was the creation and implementation of a database application.

This tool was designed to seamlessly integrate with their daily operations, streamlining tasks and enhancing overall efficiency. Every facet of this collaboration was approached with a commitment to elevating the center's digital presence and operational prowess.

For Rescue Center Costa Rica, I provided a comprehensive suite of digital and operational services.

he core of the collaboration was website development, ensuring a platform that was both user-friendly and reflective of their mission.

As the lead of the social media initiative,

strategies were crafted to maximize online engagement and amplify their conservation message. Graphic design services encompassed creating compelling visuals for both online and offline campaigns.

Additionally, the introduction of a custom database application was pivotal, designed specifically to streamline their logistical and daily operational tasks, enhancing overall efficiency.
